Grant Programs
For a list of available programs, or if you have additional questions, please contact our office.
NYS Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
CDBG Programs are administered by New York State's Office of Community Renewal. These grant programs are designed to provide eligible cities, towns, and villages with the necessary financial assistance for activities that will develop decent, affordable housing, enhance quality of life, and encourage economic revitalization.
Contact us to ask about our available CDBG programs.
NYS Affordable Housing Corporation (AHC)
AHC Programs are also administered by New York State's Office of Community Renewal. AHC is designed to create homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income households by providing grants to governmental, not-for-profit, and charitable groups for building new or improving existing homes.
Contact us to ask about our available AHC programs.
NYS HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
The New York State HOME Program uses federal HOME Investment Partnership Program funding, and is administered by the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC). These funds are provided to increase decent, safe, and affordable housing opportunities in NYS by acquiring, rehabilitating, or constructing housing.
Contact us to ask about our available HOME programs.
NYS Access to Home Program (Access)
Access programs are administered by New York's Office of Homes and Community Renewal. These programs financial assistance intended to make residential units accessible for low- to moderate-income persons with disabilities. Assistance with the cost of adapting homes is intended to allow individuals to safely and comfortably continue or return to live in their homes.
Contact us to ask about our available Access programs.
CDBG Program FAQs
Must pay property taxes to the county or municipality that has the program.
Must be owner occupied property.
Income information for all household members is required.
Meant for health and safety repairs (non-cosmetic) and/or home replacement.
A lien is placed on participating units.
CDBG also offers programs for improvements to municipal facilities, such as water and sewer.

AHC Program FAQs
Must pay property taxes to the county or municipality that has the program.
Must be owner occupied property.
Income information for all household members is required.
Meant for health and safety repairs (non-cosmetic) and/or home replacement.
A lien is placed on participating units.

Must pay property taxes to the county or municipality that has the program.
Must be owner occupied property.
Income information for all household members is required.
Meant for health and safety repairs (non-cosmetic) and/or home replacement.
A lien is placed on participating units.

NYS Access to Home FAQs
Must pay property taxes to the county or municipality that has the program.
Must have property owner permission.
Income information for all household members is required.
Retrofits homes for disabled and/or elderly individuals.
A lien is placed on participating units.


Friends operates in accordance with Federal and State Fair Housing Laws
Federal, state, and local fair housing laws exist to ensure that all individuals have equal housing opportunities. Specifically, the Federal Fair Housing Act and New York State Human Rights Law include prohibitions about: the denial of equal opportunity and treatment; aiding or abetting discriminatory practices; harassment and interference for rentals, sales, financing, and insurance related to the following protected classes:
national origin
familial status (families with children under 18 years of age)
handicap/disability (mental and physical)
Marital Status
Sexual Orientation
Age (18 and older)
Military Status
Gender Identity
Gender Expression
Source of Income (ex/ public assistance, Section 8, SSD, SSI, etc.)
Learn more about:
Rights for Persons with Disabilities
Housing Discrimination and LGBTQ
Housing providers (including owners, real estate agents, property managers, cooperative and condominium boards) and lenders (banks, mortgage companies, etc.) are prohibited from discriminating against any of the above protected classes.